Where your pet wants to be

A shop with all the goodies to keep your bud on top.Buy your pet supplies online at Pawsome pet store and have delivered to your home. Our store offers you and your pet the comfort of buying supplies in your home 

Why Choose Us?

Choosing us would mean, you choosing your pet's comfort. What do I mean by that? I mean that we offer items and/or products that help you manage your pet's life easier and still manage to keep it fun. 

My friend and I would struggle to find items that made bonding time with her dog exciting. So my objective is to make those items accessible to the general public with no hastles. 

About Us

Koketso Mokgatshane


When my friend got a dog, Simba 2 years ago I finally understood that your pet is not just your pet but they are a part of the family. Spending time with Simba made me realize that dog toys, items, products, ect were extremely hard to find. So I want to change that for people who are on the same boat as my friend I want to make bonding time with your pet to be memorable for the both of you. Whether you guys are indoors or outdoors, even in your backyard